Funny Ways to Say What Up



1. Shut Up

2. Shush

3. I will give ten dollars keep quiet

4. Is there any point for this?

5. Is there any mental asylum

6. I am sorry I asked you

7. Okay I get it

8. OMG! Stop Taking!

9. I hope you get cramp in your tongue

10. Do you have cheek bones?

11. The power of Christ compels you.

12. Be Quiet.

13. Shut your mouth

14. Cut it out

15. Shut your pie hole

16. Just knock it off?

17. Blah Blah Blah and Blah-Blah

18. Oh! This history class.

19. Shut your yappers

Scroll to Continue

20. Zip it

21. Silence`

22. Have I annoyed you before?

23. You have a problem...

24. What kind of noise? Is this?

25. Where is the remote? I forgot to press mute

26. Do you talk when you sleep?

27. I also got constitutional right to speak.

28. A year later…

29. Seriously, tell this to some body else!

30. Oh No! I missed Charlie Chaplin movie.

31. Shut your beak!

32. Do you wanna eat?

33. I am going to kick you if you don't shut up

34. That's why I do watch daily soaps.

35. You are wasting my time!

36. Besides Talking! What actually you do?

37. I would like to throw my shoe at you if you don't stop talking!

38. So, Have you planned this already?

39. Your hurting my ears!

40. Shut that hole in your face!

41. Is possible to shut your mouth, even for two seconds?

42. Your dad's the energizer bunny isn't he? Because you are keep talking and talking!

43. Oh how I wish I were deaf!

44. My earphone got noise cancellers

45. Your mom must be so proud of your social skills

46. Do you like the sound of your on voice?

47. You are quite a chatter box.

48. Somebody forget to mute that loudspeaker

49. My ears are taunting me!

50. Is that way! You Punish


52. Do you breathe?

53. I'd hate to hear you in your sleep, no offence.

54. Where is my surgeon knife? I just want to check your vocal chords.

55. That's why I read summary in the history book.

56. Volume needs to go off.

57. Do me favor! You can do this in front of my enemies.

58. Is it Talk Show. I wanna paid for this.

59. Cut the Crap or I will do it for you.

60. Okay, I love in all, but enough is enough!

61. Umm, not to be rude, but I really don't care!

62. I should have brought a blanket.

63. Do you plan on stopping anytime soon?

64. At this rate, Haley's comet will be here in no time!

65. I think you might break the world record for world longest talker!

66. This is new Gunnies World Record for Talking!

67. Just stop!

68. All I hear is jibber jabber!

69. It just goes in one ear in out the other anyway?

70. Give me S, Give me H, Give me U, Give me T and then add UP!

71. You should get PhD for Talking

72. Oh how I wish I were deaf!

73. Oh to be Helen Keller!

74. Have you drunk magic water?

75. Is pleading really going to be necessary?

76. I check is there any remuneration of damage due to constant hearing

77. Are you practicing for Gold medal in Olympics for Talking?

78. Can I cut you off right there?

79. You know I am just going to forget everything anyway right?

80. I need three tapes to record this much.

81. Hush up!

82. That's why I love pets. Because they don't make unnecessary noise.

83. Do you take drugs before you start talking?

84. These telephone operators talk too much.

85. I just about enough of your incessant jabbering!

86. Do you have an off button?

87. Talk to yourself, not me.

88. Talk to my hands, not me.

89. Really? You still want to talk.

90. Your driving me nuts with all the talky!

91. How is it humanly possible to talk that much?

92. I'm sorry what? I routed out the last hour, sorry!

93. Just because you have no life. That doesn't mean I am going to waste mine, listening to you!

94. Could you wrap this up? Please!

95. I think I hear my mom calling.

96. Sorry I got call from my Ex.

97. Happy! Want to say anything more

98. Stop talking to me! Please! I will do anything.

99. Do I need to pay ransom? To zip your mouth.

100. Finished?

101 That's it.

 Here are the few related Hubs to 101 Ways to Say Shut Up

1. 101 Ways to Burst the Stress

2. 101 Things to do When No Electricity

Chicken Tendies on May 29, 2020:

lmfaoo!!! it works!!!!

johnmariow on March 17, 2019:


Saj Daniel on March 24, 2018:

i suggest you turn that play button on you mouth to a stop and then record

Mabns on February 15, 2018:

We can sing together, can't talk together.

Kip Messer on November 27, 2017:

Close the sphinctor hole in your face, your stinking up the place

qjb on February 22, 2016:

bruh that was funny also i am related to fetty wap

ya baby


jakai on February 22, 2016:

my sister talks way too much so i will be using that information and that was funny

Hehe on May 01, 2014:

You forgot this one:

Aww you look so pretty when you close you lips. You should do it more often

Samspeaks on April 13, 2013:

your not waiting for the same bus as I am,are you?

paldn on May 26, 2012:

hahah great !!!

Alexander Thandi Ubani from Lagos on July 29, 2011:

Hilarious! Funny is an understatement. I laughed throught. You ve done well

Jennuhlee from Pennsylvania on July 28, 2011:

lol, brilliant:]

KMattox from USA on July 11, 2011:

That was funny! How about Ahhhh Shadddup!

annieloulaurel on June 11, 2011:

Good thinking! What a nice idea to learn.

Erica Sanchez from California on April 27, 2011:

This was hillarious I was laughing all the way through had my mascara running!!! Thanks Hemu

MrDSpade2 on April 27, 2011:

Yeah, that was funny as hell, but 43 and 72 have something in common, great hub though, thehemu.

thehemu (author) from New Delhi, India on April 25, 2011:

thanks Randy for adding more spice and flavors and thanks Nell for reading.

Randy Behavior from Near the Ocean on April 24, 2011:

My daughter is a chatter box. I've been known to say these:

Ding! your turn is up.

O.K. Chatty Cathy its time to cut your string.

Hon you're not gonna have any words left for tomorrow.

Silence is golden... seriously I'll pay you.

Nell Rose from England on April 24, 2011:

Hi, really funny, thanks nell

Millenium on April 15, 2011:

Good ones! I enjoyed this hub.

thehemu (author) from New Delhi, India on April 13, 2011:

love to talk on shutting many abnoxious thing. But now i am working on shutting up my semester ghost. XD

neeleshkulkarni from new delhi on April 13, 2011:

we must meet and have a longgggggggggggggg discussion on shutting up FAST.LOLLLL

thehemu (author) from New Delhi, India on April 11, 2011:

thanks offeritem,

offeritem on April 11, 2011:

This was entertaining.


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